Noble’s 76 Trillion Years Facts

Verifiable in the U.S.A. Fossil Records & Akra (Accra).

Caucasian’s to reverse Good Ship Jesus; treasures destroyed/theft during Barter Trade can’t be ignored hence, maat (balance). Nobles with throne’s concept in other words, if you mess-up you clean-up! No Jesus paid for sins. Epluribus Unum (Deity’s) in The Turtle Island & Aadign for indigenous people that escorted mankind into the western hemisphere without a thank-you note. Pre-Columbian Art Olmec Head (‘Dantu’) dated trillion of centuries affirmed ancestor’s wealth reclaim must not overlook centuries of cruelty, injustices and broken treaties “the white house press release November 1, 2012 by President Barack H. Obama.” My administration also supports United Nations declaration of the indigenous people & nations inclusive of the USA. Know that to violate our constitution is to violate “the drafted declaration of the right of indigenous peoples” e/cn.4/sub.2/1994/2/add.1 (1994) part vii article 31&36, drafted by the working groups at its 11th session & the indigenous peoples” earth charter which was adopted at the Kari Oca conference, 25-30th May 1992 United Nations.”

The Drafted Declaration of Right of Indigenous People “Article 31 (Indigenous People has a specific form of exercising their right to self-determination, have the right to autonomy or self-government in matters relating to their internal & local affairs, including culture, land (mom), spirituality, welfare, education, economic activities, resourced, management, environment & entry by non-member as well as ways & means for financing these autonomous functions.” Nobles are almighty’s Proverbs 19:14. ND Royal Ministry Inc. demanded coin-flip. Complete DNA Test by breath to be part of class action law suit (house-cleaning; ancestor’s wealth reclaims, restorations, unjust enrichment, repatriation & character deformation) filed at ‘Mawu’s Court against thug’s that enslaved ancestors under 121-years (1789-1908) mandated law must end apologies to set funds aside for Post Slavery Traumatic Syndrome treatments & sacred spots defiled to be exorcised.

No legs/fingers/arms cross before k(c)ustom officiators. Don’t near them during mensuration; abortion (taboo). Don’t use left hand to give/accept items or instruct any to remove its sandals. Cover hair-locks at expected spot & never approach them with anger. Chewing to speak with any un-allowed neither petri-dish, stem-cell, LBGTQ+, ghoul, walking fetus, neanderthals, lady’s egg sales, thugs, vampire, disease manufactures & CIA agent as Bill Oxley that killed Bob Marley before confessed. DNA tested by breath is to set the records straight for Paradigm Shift (re-alignment) in the 21st Century.


Who killed Clara; John Watuse Branch, Adonia, Mama Zulu, Dr. Jay, Taboo Djata, Akai Nartey and Shiriki?   We’re speaking about united snakes of ‘afrika’ stay-tune under UN Resolution ‘1325’ help hold our government accountable… Awulah Naanii Amon lied to noble’s home & abroad yes or no? 1. Research package sent to foreign affairs? 2. Assassination attempt on public fight? 3. CIA-agent into our bed-room? 4. You’ll be killed by Atswei Laryea @ Latenu Studio? 5. Ghana police how can I help you? 6. Higgledy-piggledy/Schizophrenia with Post Slavery Traumatic Syndrome treatment yes or no?

Scholarship Project will start Sept. 2024. Fundraising (Foreclosure) via Noble’s Globally 11-2024 To 12-2026. Target $2.5-Mil.-USD: Owula Mampong Okai (King) Into Ocean AD 1610; King Okai Koi’s Circumcision Suicide AD 1680, Sgt. Adjetey, Over 50 Ships, Amon Kotei, A.J. Ocansey, Nii K. Bone, Dr. Jay, Mettle’s, 290 B’way Remain, 179-barries of gold dust to 1700’s Queen Victoria, Assin-Manso’s Weir, Princess L. Adorkor Kofi’s Assassination, Over 9-Mil.-Midwives killed (Witch Hunting), ‘Tettey Ngwah’ Holocaust, Yaa Asantua, Good Ship Jesus Reverse, Nuumo Boi-Tono, Violated-treaties, Quean Elizabeth II’s libation on our deity, Cecil Rhodes 4-Mil. Skull’s Pyramid, Bermuda Triangle Phenomenon, 121-Yrs. (1787-1908) Mandated Law that enslaved nobles linked 500-Yrs. Indigenous Resistance Refer To Our 3rd Book Pg. 15 &173. Nobility…? (Book) $34.99 call to order via Nii Amon @+233 55 941 8050/+233 24 384 6260 or Nanaana (Bey): +1(303) 818 6093. *See Reptlians/Draconian’s job with gun & bible…*

First & Second Phase ‘36 Credits’ By Appointment Only.

First & Second Phase ‘36 Credits’ By Appointment Only.

Scripture Readings & Book By Awulah Naanii Amon. “You’re Mine!”

Amos: 3:3. (1). Study & Research (‘Gbe-mi Oshweh!’) Nobles Home & Abroad.

  1. Each-student $100-(Scholarship) Among 10-plus people.
  2. Phase 1/Spiritual Classes W/DNA Tested By Breath. (W/Application For Free-Land Development Project). Book: Nobility? Is Not For Sale!
  3. Part Zero Through to Part 24… 1st Phase *Part Zero Includes From Cover Through Preface (3 Hours W/Questions).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               A. Quaraan 6:1-10. B. James 5:12-20. C. Rev. 1:14-15. Rev. 22:1-10.
  4. Part 25 Through to Part 49… 2nd Phase (3 Hours W/Questions). A. Psalm 14:2-4. B. Mathew 7:7 & Mathew 15:22-28.

Part 50 to 74… 3rd Phase (3 Hours W/Questions). A. Ezekiel 8:2-10. B. Isaiah 42:3-4 (Unjust Enrichment). C. Isaiah 60:3-6 (Home Coming & Isaiah 61:3-11 (We Shall Build & Klones Feed Flocks). D. Haggai 11:2-9 (Silver & Gold Is Mine). E. Deut. 11:10-16 (That Land Has Owner & Quaraan 4-3 tell that man he can beat his wife; no woman as equal with a man, no same rank…)

Offender’s Services with Custom Officiators.

Nobility? Is not for sale! Be advised that disrespect, theft, deception, character deformation, blackmail, reclaim & rape cases can be handled spiritually with effective result. Custom officiator’s duties are to set freedom in motion and to set the records straight maat (balance). Daughter’s (Numbers 27:4-7) & Men’s lane (Proverbs 30:19).

Complainant’s Name: …..………………………………………..………………………..…………………………..

Defendant’s Name: ……………………………………………….…….………………………………..…………… 

Damages Caused: ……………………………………………..……………………………………..……………….

How Where You Referred To Us? Media: … Book: … Person: ………………………………….……………

Estimated Cost Of Item: ……………………….……………………………..…………………….……………………

Parent’s Name: ……………..…………………………………………………..….……………………………..…… 

Telephone #: ……………………………………..……   Other Contact #: …….……………………….…………

Aromatic drinks ‘24-bottles’ for consultation/libation. Ram/Bull/Cow due Nubian Empress Omaedro II should a river be crossed before or after; the truth shall set you free… Proverbs 6: 30 31.                                                 

Signed: ……………………………………………………… Date: ……………..……………………………………

Affirmed By Phe.&Psy.Dr. Gloria Amon-Vanderpuije Authoress & a Global Mother a.k.a. Awulah Naanii Amon.


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